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This tutorial shows, in a simple way, how this editor extension works. This extension will help you to manage plenty of different packages for a same Unity project.
Quick Guide
Like any of other white rabbit studio editor extension, you'll find the main window in the menu "Window", then "white rabbit studio". And this one under "Assets", named "Custom Package".
There you can now select any of your assets, by checking in the tree view, in order to add them in a future unity package.
Those configurations can easily be saved by naming them in the textfield on the top, then, click on the save button. This configuration also saves the filename with the full path of the generated Unity package. To do so, you have to click the "Package's path" button, and select or create the one you want.
Next, to export a package, you just have to push the "Do export" button.
If you uncheck the "check dependencies for drag and drop", when you drag and drop an asset, only itself will be checked. Otherwise, it will check the asset's dependencies related to our dropped asset.
Important! Differences between "Load" and "Check" button :
- "Load" button will first reset, then check files in the configuration, and finally replace the package's path.
- "Check" will only check files in the configuration, neither resetting the tree view nor replacing the package's path.
Thereby, you can easily merge different configurations as you like.
You can easily reuse a configuration file with another unity project. To do so, you have to copy the appropied file named "[ConfigurationName].wrcpackage" located in the "[YourUnityProject0]/Config" directory and paste it in a same folder in your second Unity project, like "[SecondUnityProject] / Config / [ConfigurationName].wrcpackage". So, next time you will open the Custom Package window in the second project, you will see your configuration in the combo box.
Don't worry if your configuration requests some missing files, they will just obviously not being checked in the TreeView on doing "Load"/"Check".