NavMesh, Spline & Dijkstra


Quick explanation of what's going on... The Target is:

// White case

Not on the NavMesh

Probably reachable via a Spline but the furthest point on the NavMesh pointing the closest SplinePoint is not reachable

- Random location at 75% of the NavMesh Invoker Radius.

// Green case

Not on the NavMesh

Probably reachable via a Spline and the furthest point on the NavMesh pointing the closest SplinePoint is reachable

- Furthest point on the NavMesh pointing the closest SplinePoint.

// Blue case

Not on the NavMesh

Probably reachable via a Spline and the furthest point on the NavMesh pointing the closest SplinePoint is on the NavMesh

- Furthest point on the NavMesh and on the Spline.

// Yellow case

Not on the NavMesh

Distance to the Segment (Target - ClosestSplinePointFromTarget) is inferior of the InvokerRadius

- Furthest point on the NavMesh pointing to the Target.

// No debug sphere

On the NavMesh